What is Spring Boot Actuator


What is Spring Boot Actuator?

Spring Boot Actuator is a set of production-ready features that help developers monitor and manage Spring Boot applications. It provides various endpoints to track application health, metrics, environment properties, and other runtime information. Actuator simplifies the operational aspect of Spring Boot applications, making them easier to maintain and troubleshoot.

Where is Spring Boot Actuator Used?

Spring Boot Actuator is widely used in the following scenarios:

  • Monitoring and Observability: It helps in tracking application health, system metrics, and performance.

  • Microservices Management: In a microservices architecture, Actuator provides insights into the internal workings of services.

  • Cloud Deployments: Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Kubernetes utilize Actuator endpoints for auto-scaling and monitoring.

  • Debugging and Diagnostics: Developers use Actuator to diagnose issues in real time by accessing environment details, logs, and system properties.

How is Spring Boot Actuator Configured?

Spring Boot Actuator is configured through dependencies, properties, and security settings. It offers multiple endpoints that provide insights into the application's state and performance.

To configure Spring Boot Actuator, follow these steps:

1. Add Dependency:

Include the following dependency in your pom.xml file for Maven:


For Gradle, add:

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'

2. Enable Actuator Endpoints:

By default, only the /actuator/health and /actuator/info endpoints are enabled. To enable all endpoints, modify the application.properties or application.yml file:


Or selectively enable specific endpoints:


3. Configure Additional Actuator Properties:

Customize Actuator behavior by modifying properties in application.properties or application.yml:


4. Securing Endpoints:

It's important to secure Actuator endpoints. You can use Spring Security for authentication:


Additionally, configure basic authentication using Spring Security by adding the following dependency:


Then, define security settings in application.properties:


5. Enabling JMX Support:

For applications using JMX-based monitoring, enable JMX support by setting:


6. Customizing Actuator Endpoints:

You can create custom Actuator endpoints by defining a bean:

import org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.annotation.Endpoint;
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.annotation.ReadOperation;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

@Endpoint(id = "custom")
public class CustomEndpoint {

    public String customEndpoint() {
        return "Custom Actuator Endpoint";

After this, the new endpoint will be accessible at /actuator/custom.

These steps ensure that Spring Boot Actuator is properly configured, secured, and extended for custom use cases.

Benefits of Spring Boot Actuator

Spring Boot Actuator provides several advantages:

  • Easy Monitoring: Built-in health checks and metrics simplify monitoring.

  • Production-Ready: Pre-configured endpoints make it easier to manage applications in production.

  • Integration with Monitoring Tools: Works well with Prometheus, Grafana, Zipkin, and ELK Stack.

  • Custom Endpoints: Developers can create custom Actuator endpoints as per application needs.

  • Security and Control: Supports role-based access control for endpoints.

Use Cases of Spring Boot Actuator

  1. Health Checks: Ensures the application is running and responsive.

  2. Metrics Collection: Provides system metrics like memory usage, thread count, and request statistics.

  3. Application Configuration Visibility: Helps in debugging by exposing environment properties.

  4. Log Monitoring: Enables real-time log analysis and level modification without restarting the application.

  5. Tracing Requests: Helps in tracking request flow through microservices.

  6. Database Connectivity Monitoring: Checks database connections and query execution times.


Spring Boot Actuator is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing Spring Boot applications. It provides detailed insights into an application's behavior, making it essential for production environments. By integrating Actuator with monitoring tools, developers and operations teams can ensure application stability and performance.

If you're working with Spring Boot, enabling Actuator is a must for better observability and operational efficiency!

Spring Boot Actuator monitors applications through built-in endpoints that expose health status, metrics, and system details. It provides access via HTTP or JMX, allowing integration with monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack.
